Who should attend
This intermediate course is intended for experienced system programmers and subsystem administrators responsible for installing and implementing z/OSMF in their enterprise.
The students must have basic knowledge of z/OS UNIX System Services (USS), and the skills normally required to install a z/OS product using SMP/E and batch jobs to update system data sets.
RACF knowledge is useful, as well as WebSphere 8.5 Liberty profile for z/OS.
You should have a good knowledge of z/OS at the level of a z/OS system programmer, acquired on the job or through the z/OS curriculum, including skills required to install and customize z/OS UNIX applications.
If the above prerequisites are not met, then the courses listed in the Curriculum are recommended.
Course Objectives
This course is designed to provide you with the skills required to install and customize IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) 2.1, and use the functions and features provided by z/OSMF.
IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) is a product for z/OS that will simplify, optimize, and modernize the z/OS system programmer experience.
z/OSMF delivers solutions in a task-oriented, web browser-based user interface with integrated user assistance.
In this course, we introduce z/OS Management Facility and its architecture; and describe the components that are necessary to run z/OSMF on z/OS.
In this course, you will also learn the installation and customization of z/OS Management Facility, and will customize several system components to exploit the following z/OSMF functions:
- z/OSMF Software Management Manager
- Capacity Provisioning
- Classic (ISPF) Interface
- Incident Log
- Configuration Assistant for the z/OS Communications Server
- Workload Management
- System Status, Resource Monitoring
- Workflow
Course Content
This course is designed to provide you with the skills required to install and customize IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) 2.1, and use the functions and features provided by z/OSMF.
IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) is a product for z/OS that will simplify, optimize, and modernize the z/OS system programmer experience.
z/OSMF delivers solutions in a task-oriented, web browser-based user interface with integrated user assistance.
In this course, we introduce z/OS Management Facility and its architecture; and describe the components that are necessary to run z/OSMF on z/OS.
In this course, you will also learn the installation and customization of z/OS Management Facility, and will customize several system components to exploit the following z/OSMF functions:
- z/OSMF Software Management Manager
- Capacity Provisioning
- Classic (ISPF) Interface
- Incident Log
- Configuration Assistant for the z/OS Communications Server
- Workload Management
- System Status, Resource Monitoring
- Workflow