Go Green and Save...
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Fast Lane's FLEX Classroom is the newest delivery method that reflects Fast Lane's efforts to "Go Green and Save...". Cut travel costs and choose from our growing selection of Guaranteed dates.
With FLEX Classroom, course selection becomes more flexible. Choose to attend via the Internet or attend the class in-person. Either way, your experience will be equally as effective including all hands-on labs.
Key features of our FLEX Classroom
- Live Instructor-led Training with Hands-on labs
- Attendance via the Internet or in-person
- Voice and video for remote students to interact with the instructor and local students
- Break out rooms that include both remote and local students
- Electronic whiteboard for Instructor notes
- VoIP or conference bridge audio
- Low bandwidth requirements for remote students
Check out the schedule of FLEX classes below, and click on the link to the right of the course date to begin the registration process, or click on the course name for more information.