Detailed Course Outline
- Module 1: Intrusion Sensing technology, Challenges, and Sensor Deployment
- Module 2: Introduction to Snort Technology
- Module 3: Snort Installation
- Module 4: Cofiguring Snort for Database Output and Graphical Analaysis
- Module 5: Operating Snort
- Module 6: Snort Configuration
- Module 7: Configuring Snort Preprossors
- Module 8: Keeping Rules Up to Date
- Module 9: Budilidng a Distributed Snort Instalation
- Module 10: Basic Rule Syntax and Usage
- Module 11: Buildling a Snort IPS Installation
- Module 12: Rule Optimization
- Module 13: Using PCRE in Rules
- Module 14: Basic Snort Tuning
- Module 15: Using Byte_Jump/Test/Extract Rule Options
- Module 16: Protocol Modeling Concepts and Using Flowbits in Rule Writing
- Module 17: Case Studies in Rule Writing and Packet Analysis